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Publishes a new Kafka message



Kafka Connection​

processReference ClientReference

Select the Kafka Client


Kafka client needs to be created from the client section


key string

Enter topic key

When a producer sends a message to a topic, it can include a key along with the message payload. The key is an optional piece of metadata that is used to determine the partition to which the message will be written. The key is specified as part of the ProducerRecord when sending a message.


value string

Enter the data to send


headers object

Enter the data to send

Headers are key-value pairs associated with a message. These headers provide metadata about the message, and they are used to convey additional information beyond the actual message payload. Headers can be used by both producers and consumers.


produce_api_version undefined

Defined Kakfa API version number


required_acks undefined

The producer configuration parameter acks, short for acknowledgments, controls the level of acknowledgment the producer requires from the broker after a message is sent. This parameter determines the durability and reliability guarantees for produced messages.

The acks configuration can take the following values:

  • acks=0: The producer does not wait for any acknowledgment from the broker. The message is considered sent as soon as it's handed off to the network. This option provides the lowest latency but offers no durability guarantees. If the broker or partition leader fails before the message is replicated, it may be lost.
  • acks=1: The producer waits for acknowledgment from the leader replica of the partition. Once the leader receives the message and appends it to its log, the producer considers the message sent. This option provides a balance between latency and durability.
  • acks=all or acks=-1: The producer waits for acknowledgment from all in-sync replicas (ISRs) of the partition. This ensures that the message is not lost even if the leader fails. This option provides the highest level of durability but may introduce additional latency.


topic string

Enter topic

A topic is a category or feed name to which records (messages) are published by producers and from which records are consumed by consumers. Topics act as logical channels for organizing and categorizing the data stream in Kafka.