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Kafka client

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Create a NEW Kafka Client​

Create Kafka

The Kafka client ID needs to be same as the Broker's CONSUMER GROUP ID

Create a New Server​

The term "Kafka server" refers to a Kafka broker. A Kafka broker is a part of the Kafka cluster and is responsible for storing and managing Kafka topics. It acts as a server that handles incoming data from producers, stores that data on disk, and serves that data to consumers.

Kafka Server

Address Address of the Kafka Server

Port 9092 Default Kafka port number

Kafka Broker Info​

Establish a New Connection​

Kafka Connection

Type kafka Address of the Kafka Server

Fetch API version 5 Default Kafka port number

TLS Cert Key for the connection

client certfile cert.pem certfile
keyfile key.pem Key cert file
keyfile password ...... keyfile password
cacertfile ca-cert.pem CA certfile

Start Kafka Client​


Start after all the configuration is complete.

Kafka Start