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Publish data to Kakfa Broker


Create a Server that receives data in a object format and respond in another JSON format.

In the below example, a new object is created by extracting the values from the original JSON object.

Publish data to an Kafka broker.

Example Configuration

Learn how to use


Make sure you have followed the steps to create Kafka client.

Supporting Concepts

Basic concepts needed for the use case
APIAn API in API AutoFlow is simply an OpenAPI model
ServerA server accepts and handles the request and response.
SimulationData simulation is a mock data simulated for the purpose of visualizing the data in every step of the workflow.
  • Simulated data is NOT the real data but a sample data you create.
  • To use real data, use the Transaction feature to capture the data you send from Postman or CURL.
ScopeA scope is a namespace for variables.
Data TypesData types describe the different types or kinds of data that you are gonna store and work with.
Use case specific concepts
Provides the ability to encode data structures into JSON strings.
This Action returns array that divides a string into parts based on a pattern.


Original Object

The HTTP request has 2 inputs:

  • data: main key that wraps the data
    • field1: key where the "first name" is stored
    • field2: key where the "last name" is stored
"data": {
"field1": "joe",
"field2": "blow"


Return a Success reply from the Kafka publish action.




1: Create an API endpoint

Required Concepts

Learn how to create an API.

Create an API

From the left navigation, go to the API section and create a new API.

Create API
  • ID: sample-client
Create an API Path
Create API Path
  • Path: /kafka-publish
  • Method: POST

2. Create a Server Operation

Required Concepts

Learn how to create a Server.

Create a Server

From the left navigation, go to the Server section and create a new Server.

Create Server
  • Server ID: sample-client
  • Port Number: 1115 Feel free to select your own port number
  • Linked API: sample-client (select the API you created above)
Create a Server Operation
Create Server Operation
  • Press the "Add API Operation"
  • Select the API endpoint created above

3 : Create Data Simulation using Real Data

Required Concepts

Learn how to create a Simulation.

We will use the "real data" to create the test simulation.

1. Send a HTTP request from Postman or CURL
Send Postman Request

API Autoflow Postman Collections

curl --location 'localhost:1114/kafka-publish' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"data": {
"field1": "joe",
"field2": "blow"
2. Check the data is received by the server endpoint

API Autoflow captures the data received and it can be used to create data simulation.



Required Concepts

Learn how to create a Actions.

Add actions to transform the data.

1. JSON encode (stringify) the HTTP request body

Required Concepts

API Autoflow server automatically decodes the incoming JSON. Hence we need to encode (stringfy) it back to JSON to send it over Kafka publish.

JSON Encode
String Capitalize


[request: body > data]


variables: output

1. Kafka Publish

Kafka Client

Create a Kafka Client before moving further.

You can create a new value and publish to Kakfa broker

Variable Set Action
String Capitalize

processReference: ClientReference


key: string test


variables output

header: object

produce_api_version: undefined

required_acks: undefined

topic: string



variables: output


1. Create a NEW object and map the IP and Subnet

We are simply giving back the response from the Kafka publish action.

Since we need to respond in a JSON object, we can create a new object in the HTTP response.

  • address: Getting it from the last actions' the variables: output
HTTP Response
Server Workflow Default Output

body: data

[variables: output]

Mapping the action output to the HTTP response output
  • Data referenced in HTTP response is what gets sent back to the client.
  • Map the output from the actions to be sent back.

NOTE: By default, the action output is set to variable output. If you intend to keep each action's output without it being overwritten by the next action, simply rename the output location in the action's output.

2. Test the API with Postman or CURL

curl --location 'localhost:1114/kafka-publish' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"data": {
"field1": "joe",
"field2": "blow"