
Upload Configuration​
- Press the Upload button to import the configuration to your API AutoFlow.

- Drag-and-drop the configuration file to the box.
- START the server.

By default, the server is in OFF status when the configuration is uploaded
If the configuration is provided as a JSON text, create a new file with a .json extention and upload to API AutoFlow
Download Configuration​
Press the Download button to save the configuration on your computer. The default file name is config.json.
System Environment​

Assign Name to API AutoFlow​
the API AutoFlow for running multiple instances
Change Port number​
for the API AutoFlow is by default 4000
. You can change the port but need to restart API AutoFlow to take effect.

Separate workspace​
- Each user has a separate workspace
- Each workspace is secured from other users
- Users can not assign a port number that is already in use by another user
- Can add and delete users
- Can NOT add or delete users
Enter the license number.​

Change License Server Address​
If installed behind a firewall and a proxy need to be used

Dark Mode​
Turn the Dark Theme on and off
Feedback Info​
Interactor support team may ask you to download the usage info.
