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Deployment with Docker-compose​

The main 2 components needed to deploy API AutoFlow in Docker-compose is a docker image and docker compose service. Generally, deployments will also require load balancers for port access and config maps for customization and solution setup.

  • Dockerize Your Application: Dockerize your application by creating a Dockerfile, which defines the environment and dependencies required to run your software. Specify the base image, install dependencies, and copy the application code into the Docker image.
  • Define Services in Docker Compose: Create a docker-compose.yml file in the root directory of your project. Define the services that make up your software stack within this file. Each service represents a separate component of your application, such as a web server, database, or any other service required for your software to function.
  • Deployment: Maintains the API AutoFlow nodes (NOTE: the cluster requires a minimum of 2 nodes to begin operating)
    • Config Map : (optional) This can include several useful files
      • API AutoFlow System Variables
      • Solution Files : typically acquired through exporting existing configuration
      • License File : product license
      • Additional Files : any files the solution might depend on
    • Load Balancer : Generally, this will include 2 ports: 1 for the UI and 1 for the user solution
    • Specify Container Configurations: For each service in the docker-compose.yml file, specify the container configurations. These configurations include the Docker image to use (built from the Dockerfile), exposed ports, environment variables, mounted volumes, and any other necessary settings.
    • Networking and Service Dependencies: Define the networking and dependencies between services within the docker-compose.yml file. Specify which services depend on others and define the networking mode for communication between services.
    • Build and Run Containers: Use the docker-compose up command to build and start the containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file. Docker Compose will read the file, pull the required Docker images, build any images defined in the Dockerfile, and start the containers for each service.
    • Scale and Manage Services: Docker Compose allows you to scale and manage services easily. You can scale a service by specifying the desired number of containers for that service using the docker-compose up --scale <service=<number command. Additionally, you can stop and remove containers using docker-compose down or manage individual services using commands like docker-compose start, docker-compose stop, or docker-compose restart.
  • Monitoring and Logs: Docker Compose provides options to monitor and access logs from the containers. You can view the logs of a specific service using the docker-compose logs <service command. Additionally, you can use container monitoring tools or log aggregators to collect and analyze logs from multiple containers.
  • Environment-specific Configurations: Docker Compose allows you to manage environment-specific configurations using environment variables. You can define environment variables in the docker-compose.yml file or use an environment file to store sensitive information separately.
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment: Docker Compose can be integrated into your CI/CD pipelines to automate the building, testing, and deployment of your software. Use Docker Compose commands within your CI/CD scripts or configure your CI/CD tool to utilize Docker Compose for building and deploying your application.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: autoflow-cluster-service
clusterIP: None
app: autoflow


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: deployment
app: autoflow
replicas: 3
app: autoflow
- name: autoflow-config-map
name: autoflow-config-map
- name: autoflow
image: interactor/api-interactor:latest
value: autoflow-cluster-service
value: "true"
- name: POD_IP
fieldPath: status.podIP
command: [ "/app/bin/interactor", "foreground" ]
- name: autoflow-config-map
mountPath: /app/data

Config Map​

Config maps can be made in several ways but the following command will accomplish what we need:

kubectl create configmap autoflow-config-map \
--from-file config.json \
--from-file autoflow.conf

Where config.json is the solution file made by exporting configuration and autoflow.conf contains the system variables in an environment variable format (KEY=VALUE).

Load Balancer​

This load balancer forwards port 4000 for API AutoFlow UI and port 8080 for general use by solutions (this part is optional).

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: autoflow-load-balancer
type: LoadBalancer
app: autoflow
- name: ui
protocol: TCP
port: 4000
targetPort: 4000
- name: solution
protocol: TCP
port: 8080
targetPort: 8080