This section will demonstrate how to launch a single docker instance from a shell terminal using a folder to upload configuration options and store data. In order to maintain persistent configuration changes, you will need to mount a folder from your file system. Make sure to add a folder somewhere and open a terminal and navigate to that folder.
You may optionally add the following files to that folder:
 details for this file can be found hereconfig.json
 this is an exported configurationlicense.json
 this is your license file
In order to create a docker container for API AutoFlow, you can use the following command.
docker run -dit \
--name api-interactor \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/app/data \
-p 4000:4000 \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 1111-1121:1111-1121 \
💡 Note that ports 8080, 1111 and 2222 are opened to be used as part of the solution you create.
💡 Port 4000 is used by the API AutoFlow UI.
If you would like to use a specific docker image, you can replace the word latest
 with the desired tag name. Also, you can add/remove ports using the -p
 flag and you may also change the container name by replacing -name api-interactor
Once the container is made it will start immediately. You can stop and start it using:
docker stop api-interactor
docker start api-interactor
If you would like to remove the container:
docker rm api-interactor
If you would like to attach to the running console:
docker attach api-interactor